IS Dougie JOhn’s a franchise?
Yes! Dougie John’s Pizza is a franchise. We currently operate a corporate store in Findlay, OH and a franchise store in Ottawa, OH. We are set to grow exponentially in 2022. If you have interest in learning more about becoming a Dougie John’s Pizza franchisee. Click on the “contact us” tab and we will be in touch.
Does Dougie’s John’s Deliver?
We deliver up to 7 miles from our location. If you have any questions regarding our delivery service or to see if you fall within our delivery area. Please call our store for assistance.
Does Dougie’s John’s make their own pizza sauce?
Yes, we make our pizza sauce in house using only the finest, top of the line, real Italian, fresh packed, California grown, tomato products. We do not add sugar to our pizza sauce. Dougie’s sauce is savory not sweet.
Does Dougie’s JOhn’s offer gift cards?
Yes, currently we offer gift cards two ways. The fastest and most convenient is a digital gift card. A digital gift card can be sent to any email or smart phone. When the recipient opens the digital gift card the purchaser receives a confirmation by email or via text. The digital gift card can be purchased on-line or in the store. The second option is a conventional plastic card. This tangible gift card option can only be purchased in person at one of our stores.